For products page design, it’s important to consider the user experience and make it as easy as possible for customers to find what they’re looking for and make a purchase.

Product website design

24 best product page design examples

Page designs product website requires careful consideration of various factors to ensure that the website effectively communicates the product’s features and benefits to potential customers. Here are some essential elements to keep in mind when designing a product website:

  1. Clear and concise messaging: The website’s messaging should be clear and concise, highlighting the product’s unique features and benefits. Use simple language that your target audience can understand, and ensure that the messaging is consistent throughout the site.
  2. User-friendly navigation: The website’s navigation should be intuitive and easy to use, with clear labels and logical grouping of pages. Users should be able to find the information they need quickly and easily.
  3. Engaging visuals: Use high-quality visuals, such as images and videos, to showcase the product and its features. Ensure that the visuals are relevant and help users understand the product’s benefits.
  4. Call-to-action buttons: Include clear call-to-action buttons throughout the site to encourage users to take specific actions, such as making a purchase, signing up for a trial, or subscribing to a newsletter.
  5. Responsive design: Ensure that the website is optimized for different devices and screen sizes, with responsive design that adapts to the user’s device.
  6. Trust signals: Include trust signals, such as customer testimonials, security badges, and social proof, to build credibility and trust with potential customers.
  7. Easy checkout process: If the website includes a checkout process, ensure that it is streamlined and user-friendly, with clear instructions and minimal steps to complete the purchase.

By keeping these elements in mind, you can design a product website that effectively communicates the product’s features and benefits, engages potential customers, and ultimately drives conversions and sales.


Product design ideas

Example of a detailed product page with Bang and Olufsen

Here are some product details design ideas:

  1. A smart water bottle that reminds you to drink water and tracks your daily water intake.
  2. A portable, collapsible desk that can be easily stored and used for remote work or studying.
  3. A modular furniture system that can be easily reconfigured to fit different spaces and needs.
  4. A subscription-based service that delivers fresh, locally-sourced ingredients and recipes to your doorstep.
  5. A wearable device that monitors your posture and provides real-time feedback to help improve your posture and prevent back pain.
  6. A smart bike lock that can be unlocked using a mobile app and sends notifications if the bike is tampered with.
  7. A noise-cancelling device that can be worn as a necklace or bracelet to provide a quiet environment in noisy settings.
  8. A minimalist wallet that can hold all your essentials and has a built-in tracking device to prevent loss.
  9. A reusable, biodegradable food wrap made from sustainable materials.
  10. A smart mirror that analyzes your skin and recommends personalized skincare products and routines.

Designing a product

AstleyClarke product page design example for storytelling

Products page design can be a complex process, but it typically involves several key steps. Here is a general overview of the steps involved in designing a product:

  1. Research and ideation: The first step is to conduct research and brainstorm ideas for the product. This involves identifying a market need, analyzing competitor products, and considering potential features and functionality.
  2. Concept development: Once you have some initial ideas, you can begin to develop product concepts. This involves creating sketches, models, or prototypes of the product to test and refine the design.
  3. Design refinement: With a solid product concept in place, you can then refine the design to ensure it is functional, aesthetically pleasing, and meets the needs of the target market. This may involve making changes to the product’s shape, size, materials, or color scheme.
  4. Prototype development: Once the design is finalized, you can create a working prototype of the product. This allows you to test the product’s functionality and make any necessary adjustments.
  5. Testing and validation: After the prototype is developed, you can conduct testing and validation to ensure the product meets all necessary requirements and functions properly.
  6. Production and launch: Once the product is fully developed and tested, it is ready for production and launch. This involves setting up manufacturing processes, creating marketing materials, and launching the product to the market.

Throughout the entire product design process, it is important to keep the needs and preferences of the target market in mind. Regular feedback and testing can help ensure that the product meets the needs of its intended users and is successful in the marketplace.

Product landing page

Product page design example from Farfetch

A product landing page is a web page specifically designed to showcase and promote a particular product or service. The goal of a product landing page is to convince visitors to take a desired action, such as making a purchase, signing up for a trial, or subscribing to a service.

Here are some key elements that should be included in a product landing page:

  1. Clear and concise headline: The headline should be attention-grabbing and convey the main benefit of the product.
  2. Engaging product imagery: High-quality images or videos of the product can help to showcase its features and benefits.
  3. Product description: A brief description of the product should highlight its unique features and benefits, and explain how it can solve the customer’s problem.
  4. Social proof: Customer testimonials, reviews, and ratings can help to build trust and credibility with potential customers.
  5. Call-to-action: A prominent call-to-action (CTA) button should be included to encourage visitors to take action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a trial.
  6. Pricing information: If applicable, pricing information should be clearly displayed, including any discounts or special offers.
  7. FAQ section: A frequently asked questions (FAQ) section can help to address common customer concerns and provide additional information about the product.
  8. Contact information: Contact information, such as an email address or phone number, should be provided to make it easy for customers to get in touch with questions or concerns.

Overall, the product landing page should be visually appealing, easy to navigate, and provide all the necessary information to help potential customers make an informed decision about the product.

Single product websites

Sonos uses strong visuals for product page design

Single product websites are websites that focus on promoting and selling a single product. They are typically designed to provide detailed information about the product, its features and benefits, and to encourage visitors to make a purchase.

Single product websites are often used for niche products, where the product is unique or highly specialized, and where the target market is small and specific. By focusing on a single product, the website can present a clear message about the product and its benefits, and can provide more in-depth information than a general ecommerce site.

Some benefits of a single product website include:

  1. Focused message: With a single product website, the message is clear and focused, making it easier for visitors to understand what the product is and what it does.
  2. Simplified navigation: Because there is only one product to promote, the website can be designed with a simplified navigation structure that guides visitors to the most important information and encourages them to make a purchase.
  3. Increased conversions: By providing detailed information about the product and its benefits, and by simplifying the purchase process, single product websites can often achieve higher conversion rates than general ecommerce sites.

Overall, single product websites can be a powerful tool for promoting and selling niche products, and can provide a clear and focused message that resonates with the target market.

Product design template

ASOS has an easy to navigate product page design template

There is no one-size-fits-all template for product design, as the process can vary depending on the product and the company. However, there are some general steps and considerations that are typically involved in product design:

  1. Define the problem: Start by identifying the problem or need that the product will address. This can involve research and market analysis to determine what the target audience is looking for and what gaps exist in the market.
  2. Conduct user research: Once you have a clear understanding of the problem, conduct user research to gain insights into the needs and behaviors of the target audience. This can involve surveys, focus groups, interviews, or other methods of gathering feedback.
  3. Develop a concept: Based on the user research, develop a concept for the product. This can involve creating sketches, wireframes, or prototypes to visualize how the product will work and look.
  4. Design and iterate: Once you have a concept, begin designing the product. This can involve creating detailed designs and specifications, and iterating on the design based on user feedback and testing.
  5. Test and refine: Test the products page design with users to identify any issues or areas for improvement. Refine the design and iterate as needed based on the feedback.
  6. Launch: Once the product design is finalized and tested, launch the product and continue to gather feedback and make improvements based on user feedback.

In addition to these general steps, there are also specific considerations to keep in mind for products page design, such as:

  • User experience (UX): Ensure that the product is intuitive and easy to use for the target audience.
  • User interface (UI): Design the interface to be visually appealing and consistent with the brand.
  • Functionality: Ensure that the product functions as intended and meets the needs of the target audience.
  • Manufacturing and production: Consider the manufacturing and production process when designing the product to ensure that it can be produced efficiently and cost-effectively.
  • Legal and regulatory considerations: Ensure that the product meets all relevant legal and regulatory requirements.

Overall, the products page design process is a complex and iterative process that involves research, design, testing, and refinement. By following a structured approach and considering the specific needs and requirements of the product and target audience, you can design a successful product that meets the needs of your users.

FAQs About Product Page Design

Q: How crucial is the visual appeal of a product page? Visual appeal is paramount. Studies show that users form an opinion about a website within milliseconds, emphasizing the need for visually striking product pages.

Q: Can mobile responsiveness impact SEO rankings? Absolutely. Google prioritizes mobile-friendly websites, and having a mobile-responsive product page positively influences search engine rankings.

Q: What role does storytelling play in product descriptions? Storytelling creates an emotional connection. Incorporating narratives in product descriptions helps customers envision themselves using the product, enhancing its appeal.

Q: How often should I update my product page design? Regular updates keep your site fresh and aligned with evolving design trends. Aim for periodic reviews, especially when introducing new products or features.

Q: Are there any tools to assess the mobile responsiveness of my product pages? Yes, several tools, such as Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test, can assess and provide insights into the mobile responsiveness of your product pages.

Q: Can excessive use of CTAs be counterproductive? Yes, overwhelming users with too many CTAs can be counterproductive. Focus on strategically placing and designing CTAs for maximum impact.


Mastering the art of product page design is a journey that intertwines creativity, user experience, and strategic thinking. By implementing the strategies outlined in this guide, you’re poised to create product pages that not only showcase your offerings but also elevate your online store to new heights.

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